First Aid course for MFPA members

9th July 2017

First Aid course for MFPA members

While First Aid can prove vital in everyday life, it is fair to say that it is invaluable in a football scenario. The extreme physical exertion, regular on-pitch collisions and prolonged physiological stress are part and parcel of the job. This essentially means that the risk of injury is a lot higher for a football player.

For the past 2 years MFPA has taken it upon itself to finance multiple First Aid courses for any player interested in attending. It has done so because it believes that the more First Aid techniques people know, the more effective is the protection of players. Having a teammate, a coach, a referee know basic first aid techniques, could add another layer of protection to our players.

For the past weeks, a number of member players have been attending a First Aid course covering topics such as: Assessing a casualty, Wounds and circulation, Bone and joint injuries, Effects of heat and cold.

MFPA will continue to do all in its power to ensure the physical safety of players’ health and fitness whilst encouraging the attendance of players to any future First Aid Courses offered.